North Surrey

Campaign for Real Ale

Members Weekend, AGM & Conference 2021

Monday 21 December 2020

Our planned venue in Sheffield will not be available in April, due to COVID restrictions, so with sadness physical Members’ Weekend, AGM and Conference in 2021 has been cancelled.

However, CAMRA HQ are working towards ensuring that virtual events go ahead on the same dates (16-18 April 2021), with additional Conference online discussion and voting to allow CAMRA members to have a say in the policy and direction of the Campaign.

Remote voting for AGM resolutions and the election of members to the National Executive has been possible for several years, and this process will continue in 2021 with a deemed AGM being planned. In addition to this, it is hoped to stage an interactive Conference, along with additional opportunities to vote on Conference motions. Look out for more info in due course.